Gaming Alive

News and Ramblings


Oh boy...

I suppose I figured I could just let the comic die, without too big of a ruckus. I kind of lost inspiration and didn't really think I had any readers, anyway. Well, I guess I was wrong! Some of you wrote in to tell me to start it up again. Some of you posted your dismay on my tagboard. some of you were my brother, yes, but nevertheless I was kind of overwhelmed.

So here I am again, I'm starting it up again after a hiatus of a few months. A little change though: I'll be updating twice a week instead of three, just to give my creative juices a little time to flow. And of course I'll be needing some kind of buffer again... hmmm... what am I getting myself into? Ah well, Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can find a new comic right here folks! I'll also try to post some news things here a little more often.

As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated by me and can be sent to . Thanks a lot everyone!



Well hi there.
My internet has been out for quite a while.. I finally got it up and running again today.
Why, you ask?
Apparently, our internet provider updated their servers with some sort of...update. I dunno. But, this update is not compatible with the router we, and many other people, use. We needed to download a patch for it to function properly.
But, did they tell us to download this thing before they installed the update? Of course not! So, we had to download a patch, without the internet actually working.
It makes me mad. Would it be so hard to send an email to all their users? It would have saved me the trouble of finding someone who didn't use the same router as us, and had a cd-burner to get the patch to our home pc.

Sorry for the rant, it just makes me so ANGRY.

The comic has been updating as usual, thank god for the buffer eh?




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