Gaming Alive

by Erik Nusselder



Oh boy...

I suppose I figured I could just let the comic die, without too big of a ruckus. I kind of lost inspiration and didn't really think I had any readers, anyway. Well, I guess I was wrong! Some of you wrote in to tell me to start it up again. Some of you posted your dismay on my tagboard. some of you were my brother, yes, but nevertheless I was kind of overwhelmed.

So here I am again, I'm starting it up again after a hiatus of a few months. A little change though: I'll be updating twice a week instead of three, just to give my creative juices a little time to flow. And of course I'll be needing some kind of buffer again... hmmm... what am I getting myself into? Ah well, Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can find a new comic right here folks! I'll also try to post some news things here a little more often.

As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated by me and can be sent to . Thanks a lot everyone!



Well hi there.
My internet has been out for quite a while.. I finally got it up and running again today.
Why, you ask?
Apparently, our internet provider updated their servers with some sort of...update. I dunno. But, this update is not compatible with the router we, and many other people, use. We needed to download a patch for it to function properly.
But, did they tell us to download this thing before they installed the update? Of course not! So, we had to download a patch, without the internet actually working.
It makes me mad. Would it be so hard to send an email to all their users? It would have saved me the trouble of finding someone who didn't use the same router as us, and had a cd-burner to get the patch to our home pc.

Sorry for the rant, it just makes me so ANGRY.

The comic has been updating as usual, thank god for the buffer eh?



Yes, I'm still alive! All this vacation and free time on my hands have distracted me from the job at hand (making comics that is) a bit, but my buffer was there to save me, and the comic has been updating as normal. In fact, I haven't missed an update yet so far. Yay for me! So now I'm putting some time in making some more comics for you to enjoy.

Meanwhile, today's comic is about Prince of Persia! I loved the "first" one, Sands of Time, a lot. The atmosphere in that game was just awesome. The ony problem with it was that you could finish it really quickly. Warrior Within I was not so pleased with. The whole "dark" atmosphere looked a bit overdone to me, as if it was only used to draw in the mainstream crowd with a "look how cool and gritty we are!" gimmick. And Godsmack, for crying out loud. That is not video game music! So I'm just hoping that they won't screw up PoP 3 as well, though I have to say, what I've seen so far looks rather promising. 

Well that's all the news for now, I'm busy working on a new comic right as we speak, and I hope you'll be back for more comics. If you like what you see, please vote for me, through the links on the front page or the links page, on the big voting lists. It would mean a lot to me, thanks.



Another comic updated today, and it's about the XBox 360 presentation at this year's E3, which, ironically, took place just hours after the stunning PlayStation 3 presentation. Sony blew everyone away (at least in the footage I saw), and the XBox 360 wasn't all that special compared to Sony's material. Of course, the whole debate about whether or not those images were real is still going, but you have to say that Sony definitely knows what it's doing with it's PR department.

About the comic, then. I've listed it in, a list that requires people to vote for me in order for me to go up. So I made a little voting incentive/bonus strip that you can view only by voting for me there! So please go ahead and do that, and if it works well I'll make some more little bonus comics to put up there. Enjoy!



Yup, still here. You might have read the comic on Star Wars that went up here yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the movie. It just tied the 2nd and the 4th togehter perfectly, and for me, it was just the perfect closure on a film series that I have lived with all my life. Hell, I even found it quite touching towards the end. I guess it helps to see number one and two right before you go see number three, because you get used to the awful acting that Christensen (Anakin) brings with him. Though there is nothing to prepare you to see Yoda in digitally remastered form for the first time. It's awful. I loved that little Muppet. But hey, Samuel Jackson was pretty cool, and Ewan even came close to the great Obi-Wan of the first three movies. And everything looked great, of course. So it was a great movie, but (as expected), there were a few things that annoyed me. Things like droids, lifeless beings, saying "oh-oh" when they are about to get smashed. But well, such is life. At least Jar-Jar was gone.

The comic, in the meantime, is going great. I let my buffer drain a little bit, because the official heatwave we've had here in Holland has fried my brain somewhat. But I just did two new ones today and put them in the buffer, so it's refilling, don't you worry. Let me know what you think! Drop me a line at , or hey, post something nice at It never hurt anybody



So I changed the font last week, and seeing how I haven't had any complaints yet, I'm thinking it's pretty successful. The buffer is still at two weeks, unbelievable as that may be. I'm now holding off on advertising the comic more until I reach the magic fifteen-mark. Up till now I'm pretty satisfied with the number of visits, so I'm pretty motivated to make some more comics for y'all.

In other news, it appears there is a puma on the loose not ten minutes from my house! So, if there's a lack of updates here in the coming time, you'll know why. Pray to the puma-gods for me


So today's comic is about GTA:San Andreas. It's a game I've really been enjoying so far, but the hip and "urban" setting just isn't doing it for me. Heck, sometimes I can't even figure out what's going on. Why do they all talk in slang? 

Other than that, I've been doing a little bit of redesigning here, and I have been playing Pac-Pix to death on my DS. It's a fun game, you get to draw Pac-Man, and he comes to life! Even if you drew him really ugly. I suggest picking it up, if you haven't already.

In other news, I've been trying to promote the webcomic a bit more now. It's doing pretty well on TheWebComicList and OnlineComics, and I'm thinking of putting it on some voting-based websites as well. More people = more joy, am I right? I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to give some comments on the strip, I really appreciate it. It gives me the motivation to carry on. So I'll be working on the next few strips while you're reading this one, and with pleasure.


Yup, still here. You might have read the comic on Star Wars that went up here yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the movie. It just tied the 2nd and the 4th togehter perfectly, and for me, it was just the perfect closure on a film series that I have lived with all my life. Hell, I even found it quite touching towards the end. I guess it helps to see number one and two right before you go see number three, because you get used to the awful acting that Christensen (Anakin) brings with him. Though there is nothing to prepare you to see Yoda in digitally remastered form for the first time. It's awful. I loved that little Muppet. But hey, Samuel Jackson was pretty cool, and Ewan even came close to the great Obi-Wan of the first three movies. And everything looked great, of course. So it was a great movie, but (as expected), there were a few things that annoyed me. Things like droids, lifeless beings, saying "oh-oh" when they are about to get smashed. But well, such is life. At least Jar-Jar was gone.

The comic, in the meantime, is going great. I let my buffer drain a little bit, because the official heatwave we've had here in Holland has fried my brain somewhat. But I just did two new ones today and put them in the buffer, so it's refilling, don't you worry. Let me know what you think! Drop me a line at , or hey, post something nice at It never hurt anybody.



So I changed the font last week, and seeing how I haven't had any complaints yet, I'm thinking it's pretty successful. The buffer is still at two weeks, unbelievable as that may be. I'm now holding off on advertising the comic more until I reach the magic fifteen-mark. Up till now I'm pretty satisfied with the number of visits, so I'm pretty motivated to make some more comics for y'all.

In other news, it appears there is a puma on the loose not ten minutes from my house! So, if there's a lack of updates here in the coming time, you'll know why. Pray to the puma-gods for me.



Sorry for the lack of news updates, but I'm wondering if there's anyone actually reading this anyway. At least the comics have been updating regularly, right?
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm having a fun time with this webcomic thing. I've signed up for, which seems to be going rather well. Also, I'm still enjoying making new comics, and my 2-week buffer has been steady the whole time. I've gotten a bit of nice feedback, and it's good to know that someone is reading my work. So if anyone is reading this; webcomicers like to be acknowledged! Drop me a line! In fact, open your mail-program, and drop every artist of every webcomic you read a line. We love it. Trust me.
I've been making some jokes about games for the past two weeks now, and I just want you to know that just because I make fun of a game in my comic, it doesn't mean I don't like it (well, except for Daikatana of course). In fact, a game I've played and loved is easier to joke about, because I know it so well. So in fact, while I've made jokes about innovative games and Pro Evo 4 the last two issues (and the Nintendo DS next Friday...), I actually love both to death (and hug my DS every night before I go to sleep), and can't think of a game that I've put more hours in then Pro Evo. Well, except for Sensible World of Soccer.
So, the updates will go along as scheduled for at the very least the next two weeks, and at the rate and enjoyment I'm making them, I hope to last...forever! Or, until the world explodes. Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's, and I'll post something here whenever I have something to say. Happy gaming!


Ok, so here's the deal. I was working on making this site nice with my mediocre HTML skills. However, at one point I couldn't even get the site to work anymore, and when it did it looked pretty ugly. So yes, I used a template I found on the web, namely at The Jaded's Workshop. But in the coming time I'll try to make it look more like my own. In the meantime, enjoy today's comic (if I can get it to go up ;)! It was an easy joke, yes, but I've always wanted to joke about Daikatana and I never had a webcomic before. So enjoy!


Yes, still working on the site. Thank God I have a nice buffer of comics to last me the coming time, while I try to figure this out. Hope you enjoy today's comic!


Hooray! Welcome to Gaming Alive, a new webcomic for gamers! In the coming time I'll try to make this site look a little better, which should be hard enough, since I don't know much about web design. If you like or dislike the comic, don't forget to drop me a line: . Because feedback is always nice

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Gaming Alive is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of The Jaded.
The 'Ocean Blue Indextemplate' is free-use for all Keenspacers, courtesy of the Workshop.